Annual General Meeting Report

The 39th AGM of MGCC was held on Thursday 7th November at MG Village Hall and attended by 16 members.

A quorum was declared by the Secretary and apologies for Absence accepted.

The Chairman gave his annual address to the members and stated the 3 Pillars for the club: Governance, Performance and Membership were all in good order and he has complete confidence for the future of the club.  Governance is the management of all club aspects off the field of play, inclusive of the executive committee and others who provide help to run the club.  The financial standing is sound and well led, with the club’s responsibilities to its member associations:- OCA, OCB, Bucks League,  all respected.   Performance is all matters on the field of play and the Club Captains have led their teams fastidiously. Midweek winning the league, tougher times for Saturday team being disappointingly relegated but setting in place foundations for future success.    Membership is the social spirit and inclusion. In essence everything that makes teams into a Club.  From the spectators, families, openness to new players and spirit of play.  A growth in committed players, in particular youngsters was a pleasing result in 2013 and the Club will continue to focus on bringing in new young players with an ambition to begin a Saturday 2nd XI based around them as soon a s practicable.

Several ‘Thank You’ messages were delivered: Sadika Vale Ltd for Sponsorship, The Bonus Ball patrons, Umpires, Ground staff, Tea Ladies, and retiring committee.

The Minutes from 2012 AGM were circulated, read and approved as accurate and committed to record with no matters arising.

The Treasurer presented the annual financial report, concluding that the club has £1451 at hand doubling last years balance due t o an annual surplus of £786.  The accounts were accepted by the meeting.   Income came from fund raising (Race Night, Bonus Ball), Sponsorship, Subscriptions and match fees. Expenditure was controlled tightly with only 2 major cost items of Sports Club rent and insurance.  (The remainder of the 2012 rent to be settled in Spring).  The Treasurer is pleased with the financial position and is optimistic, but added fundraising remains essential.

The Officers resigned their post in accordance with rules, and the election of Officers for 2014 was made.  The Officers elected are as follows: Chairman – Carl Needham,   Secretary – Mathew Mead,   Treasurer – Richard Cross,  Originals Captain – Stuart Leonard,  Midweek Captain – Michael Timms,    Groundsman – Barry Leonard,    Fundraiser – Paul West.   Additional positions are to be made by Committee during the year as required.

Other roles within the Club agreed, but not on the executive are: Umpires Secretary – Barry Timms,  Child Welfare – Grant Cross

The Sports Club Representatives shall be:  Richard Cross and Michael Timms

There were no constitutional amendments and the clubs continuance in the OCA and Bucks Midweek leagues for the season 2014 was confirmed.

The OCA has advised that all Umpires officiating in more than 4 matches need to be CRB Cleared.  It was confirmed that the Club Umpires both have current certificates and others assisting will not do more than 4 matches and so no action is required .  Again, the Captain offered the gratitude of the players to the Umpires, who mostly stand in Div. 1 matches due to their skill and recognition from the OCA.

The Grounds man reported all regarding the playing area is in good order and no further equipment is needed.

Annual Subscriptions were discussed and changed for the new season following an elected proposal made in the meeting.  Adult Fees shall be £50.  Juniors (U18) shall be £25.  Midweek Only £15 (All).  Saturday Match Fees are to be £10 Adult, £7 Junior.   Midweek to be £3 for all.

Pre-season Nets were approved for a minimum of 4 weeks and the charge for each session shall be £3 per player.

Sadika Vale Ltd. kindly offered to sponsor the club for the coming year and shall be discussing with the Committee the provision of new match shirts and training kit for the players.  The new kit to be organised for the start of the season, details to be worked out at Committee over the winter.

Fundraising remains essential and the Bonus Ball was scheduled to start on 9th November.  Most numbers were sold post meeting.   The new Fundraising secretary will support the club and look into future events and schemes.

A Tour was suggested and is to be investigated for the New Forest area through contact at a club in the area. To be over a weekend at the end of April.

Saturday Tea money was raised in line with rising costs of ingredients, to £50.

There being no other motions the meeting closed at 9.25pm


A full extract of the AGM will be available (for members) from the Secretary, after approval at the Committee meeting in December.  Please contact Matt.