Club Sponsors: Affinity Hair Design
MGCC is a not for profit organisation with ambitions to provide recreational Cricket for the villagers of Marsh Gibbon and local parishes. There is no restriction by age, sex or ability (except for inadequate numbers, or volunteers, to form teams at certain classes). The Club is truely Amateur and no Players or Members receive payment, or reimbursement of any sort.
The Club is Constitutionally run and all Members must abide to the rules, ethos of the Club and The Spirit of Cricket.
Financial Accounts are maintained and the elected Committee meets approximately every 8 weeks with all motions raised minuted for inspection by Members.
The Club is financed through Member fees, in the form of Annual Membership and Match fees. Additional funds are from grants, donations, fundraising and sponsorship.
The Player fees for Season 2022 are Due by 1st June and are as follows:
Adult Full Member Subscription (All Team availability) £50.
Alternative Option for infrequent Players available: No Subscription but £15 Match fee
Junior (Under 18) Full Member Subscription (All Teams) £25.
Adult & Junior Sunday and Midweek Team Subscription £15.
Match Fees: Saturday and Sunday Adult – £10. Junior £7. Midweek Adult and Junior – £3.
At the Annual General Meeting the annual financial report is presented for inspection, by the Treasurer.
MGCC thanks Affinity Hair Design of Waddesdon for their generous club sponsorship and we look forward to a long partnership together. Affinity’s financial supports enables the club to continuously invest in improvements to facilities and standards and to keep cricket alive in Marsh Gibbon!